Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Holiday Treats-New Movies,Music & Books!

This holiday season involves some of
my favorite things -movies, music, books
and art!

Prior to Christmas I viewed the touring art
exhibition, Turner to Cezanne hosted by our
Everson Museum and the only northeast US
city where it could be viewed. Before it leaves
I will spend several hours on New Year's Day
amongst these priceless paintings.

On Christmas weekend I used my 'gift' movie
passes I received from a business client and
friend. Closed out of 'It's Complicated' I chose
to see 'Sherlock Holmes' then saw 'It's Complicated'
the next day. Both movies nurished various
parts of my soul and heart. Plus I got to laugh!

Then I just finished Lisa Scottoline's newest book, 'Why
My 3rd Husband Will Be A Dog' which I highly recommend
for women over 50.  I next used my Barnes & Noble gift
card from Christmas to purchase another book by Lisa plus
music, '1969' by Los Lonely Boys & John Fogerty-The Blue
Ridge Rangers Rides Again. Now it's time for some old covers
to touch my heart and remind me of my journey to this
time in my life.

I find 'Garden Party' by Rick Nelson on Fogerty's cd
particularly reassuring after all these years. 'I learned
my lesson well-you can't please everyone so you've got
to please yourself.' Remember that if many of your efforts
toward others go totally unappreciated.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Many years ago when my son was very young and
I was still struggling with his bipolar-self medicating
father there was a thoughtful Christmas present in
my mailbox.

Back when there was no internet shopping or print
your own shipping labels this was a true delight.
A friend many miles away knew of my struggles
and found the time way before Christmas week
to seek out a silver bracelet from a handcrafted
silver shop. Not a China factory mass produced
item but something genuine and unique.

Even back then I did not seek out gifts for myself
under the Christmas tree. A few nice items for my
son and family were my sense of the season.

Now I realize that the small gift of silver from some
one who cared is worth all the gold and diamonds this
world can hold. The sender could not see my face as
I unwrapped the delicate wrapping that made it to
me through the US Mail without breakage.

I imagined the time it took to make the purchase and
get to the post office with the countless other seasonal
mailings that needed to be done. This was a gift given
in friendship & caring to ease pain in my life.

I so prefer a gift given in the joy of the season than from
a request list. I do not have a 'list' that others can check
for my 'wants' and 'likes'. I receive very few gifts nowadays.
I cherish the dollar store trinkets that may come from
my grandson. Also the pictures my son & daughter-in-law
may frame for my desk or walls are such a joy to receive.

The gifts I gave to the refugees in my city who came to this
harsh winter city from Burma were warming to my heart this
year. Gloves,mittens,scarves,coats & sweaters for children
wearing a warm up suit in less than 20 degree weather was
the meaning of giving for me this season.

I truly believe I am blessed and need to spend more of my life
seeking a need and giving just like someone did for me over
30 years ago.

May you find true joy & meaning in your Christmas season.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bikers,Bands & Benefits

I recently attended a benefit in memory
of Duane Loomis of Mattydale,NY. As in
most unexpected deaths by heart attack
the family was left with funeral expenses.
Originally from West Haven, Ct it appears
Duane put roots down in Central New York
over 20 years ago. Living with Duane II in
his final days is why the benefit was held
at Mac's and the community rallied.

Not knowing Duane and attending as an
outsider gave me a clear perspective on
how the bike clubs support each other
and their adopted 'family' in the club.
This is not some tv show but a true call
to action. Unable to cover the funeral
costs the bike club approached the
owner of Mac's to put on the benefit.

I attend many events like this where
my son and his bandmates come forward
to give their time and entertain during
the benefit. During the holiday season it
may appear to be bad timing -again an
unexpected loss of a loved one does not
know the time of year.

This event also brought the nation's health
care crisis to mind. If Duane like so many
other uninsured or underinsured had seen
a heart specialist he may have been able to
prevent his untimely death. I'm sure his
children, grandchildren and other family
members in Central New York and Conn.
will remember the kindness and generosity
of this man and the life lessons he leaves
behind. I also hope the day was a success.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

5 Yr Plan- No job Interviews!!!!

I was asked today about the type of part time
work I would do after I retire. My 5yr plan is
all about NOT WORKING A JOB!!!

I have a feeling that active men & women can
only identify with a 'job title'. I choose to run
away from that theory as fast as possible.

I feel I will have 'work' to do because that is
what God expects of us. Sometimes my 'job'
will be to volunteer. Sometimes my 'job' will
be to chauffer my grandchild around or be
his caregiver while his parents work. Sometimes
my 'job' will be to travel and enjoy our world.

In 'retirement' I do not want to pull the 'age
discrimination' card to get hired 'part time'.
I have nothing to prove. I have no 'larger'
home to acquire. I want to be free of material
trappings and just live!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tis The Season....

I have achieved my goal of completing my holiday
shopping online by cyber Monday. I am not in the
habit of fighting the crowds or standing in line at
2am to be the first through the doors at Best Buy,
Walmart or Target.
I really like to take time to look around myself to
see if there are small needs I can fulfill.
The joy of walking in my neighborhood hand in hand
with my grandson and stopping at each holiday
display to just take it all in is pure joy. He can talk
about each candy cane or santa with such passion.
He is never bored as we stop to see the 10th santa
or snowman. They are all special.
My wish for you this season is to see the holidays
through the eyes of a child. The child who has no
list to buy for, the child who only stares at twinkling
lights in awe, the child who lifts his face to the sky
to catch snowflakes in his mouth- yes that child in
us we may have lost in our adult lives.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Recently Tom Petty was interviewed by CBS and
asked about his next birthday when he turns 60.
I just enjoyed his above quote so much I needed
to add it to my blog.

I have a similar feeling about aging. In less than
a year and a half I will reach that 60 mark. I say
'Bring it on!' I'll be that much closer to completing
my 5 year plan toward retirement.

In my plan I am attempting to be debt free as I've
done on one or two other occasions until the men
in my life chose for that accomplishment to become
only a faded memory. I then had to rely on credit
to remove us from financial calamity and keep us
afloat. Neither man thought he should be accountable
for our family responsibilities since I was making a
decent income (lower middle class to most!)

Retirement from the corporate mad rush is something
I cherish as time to write, reflect,volunteer and enrich
the lives around me in my local community. I am in
restraints because of the hourly portions of my days
devoted to my employer. Yes, I am thankful for the
job I have in this time of depression and uncertainty
in our country. On the other hand, I feel stifled that
I have so little time to mentor young adults and be
creative in my community.

I am grateful for each day that passes and getting
older. I have so much to accomplish before I'm dead!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pirate Radio -the movie

Caught the movie 'Pirate Radio' today.

As a teen ager in the '60's I was all about
the club scene, the great rock & roll to dance
to and of course the British Invasion. I loved
it all -the Beatles, the Kinks, The Rolling Stones,
Animals, The Who, Gerry & The Pacemakers,
The Hollies, The Searchers, Them but also the
American girl groups, Martha & the Vandellas,
The Ronettes, The Chiffons, The Supremes.
Can't forget the gal singers -Brit & American -
Lesley Gore, Dusty Springfield, Petula Clark,
Marianne Faithful, Lulu, Aretha Franklin,etc.

All the while it was totally unknow to me that
British radio would not allow rock & roll to be
played for more than 1 hour per day -thus
Pirate Radio. Fabulous insight to a cast of
characters who chose at all odds to bring
rock music & all it's evils to over 28 million
British citizens. A terrific true story to get
you up and dancing. I must have the sound
track! Think I was the only one in the audience
singing every song!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Are in our Thoughts

Today we should all take a moment
to give thanks for those men & women
who serve our country in the armed
forces. Also time to remember those
among us who have served in past
wars and conflicts on behalf of the
USA. Freedom does not come easy and
there is always a high price to pay to
preserve those freedoms we take for
granted. Please be ever mindful each
day for the priviledge that has been
fought for us to live under the stars
& stripes flag.

Does the World Revolve around YOU?

Lately I have heard tales about so many
people who can't have every single thing
they desire. Sometimes people just don't
cater to their every whim. Other times
they feel restricted on purchases they
wish to make. Then again they can't
book the exact travel plans they want
at the last minute. You can already guess
how unfairly they are treated at their work
location. No respect from bosses & co-workers.
The list about these individuals is endless.
Don't you just want to ask them, 'Does the world
revolve around you?' They would probably answer

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Vodka Part II

A few weeks ago at a club I asked a
very pretty young barmaid to fix me
a Grey Goose vodka gimlet.
She blankly stared at me like a deer
in a car's headlights.
What could be the easiest drink to mix
in the world? Too old school?
The head bartender had to come over
to make my drink.
Sometimes the easiest request can be
totally off the wall to someone else.
My new motto: 'Be careful what you
ask for'

Sometimes Love Is

Sometimes love is a gentle kiss
Sometimes love is a fond memory
Sometimes love is walking hand in hand
Sometime love is a child's laughter
Sometimes love is a friendly note
Sometimes love is a shared moment
Sometimes love is far away
Sometimes love is close
Sometimes love is for the young
Sometimes love is for the old
Sometimes love is what we make it
Sometimes love is always there

Friday, November 6, 2009

A 5 Year Plan at Any age

Recently I mentioned a 5 yr plan towards
retiring from the corporate world. Just the
idea of doing as I please without punching
the old timeclock is so empowering.

New discoveries plus time to travel when
there are bargains -especially when the
cruise ships need to fill the remaining cabins!

I can volunteer again -on my schedule.

Anyone can make a 5 yr plan to change their
current way of life. Map out your goals. Find
ways to lower your debt in 5 years so you are
free to pursue your ultimate goal.

I find that many books I am reading are showing
me the paths others followed in retirement. I am
more inclined toward the writers and education
volunteers than any other work out there.

So start now and plan for yourself. It will make
a world of difference on how you see yourself
in the world. You can make a difference.

Vodka? Who knew?

Earlier this week Kirstie Alley was on the Oprah
show devulging her cleaning tips. Yeah -clean the
sinks with cheap vodka! Who knew. It's sterile,
doesn't smell and everything shines!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Favorite Songs

Recently I noticed many of my favorite songs
are the 5th selection on many of the cds I own.
I usually don't care for the 1st song and usually
know around song 3 that I like an upcoming

Check out your favorite cds and see which number
in the songlist is your favorite. Same on several
different cds and different artists?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We The People......

I always wake up the day after a 'local'
Election Day to check out the winning
candidates. The disappointment comes
when I see the low number of voters.
'We the people....' stands for something
in the foundation of our country. Why
more do not see the priviledge to vote
as a hard won fight for many is beyond

Each vote means something. Our freedom
as a nation meant our voices could be heard.

Here's hoping the local politicians heard the
small voices and will work to enact little
changes for the cities and counties across
our country.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Just before the holiday shopping experience gets
out of hand I am halfway through the book 'Enough'
by Adam Hamilton. This is a little church project
my Pastor started 3 weeks ago by purchasing just
enough copies of the book for everyone to take home.
Now she uses a different topic from the book each
week as her sermon.

This little paperback is hitting me right in the checking
and savings account! It is on target with my 5 year plan.

I've been in and out of debt through 2 marriages and
with and without children. It seems to come in waves.
My debt repayment plans work until everything happens
at once. If the car breakes down that's ok. With me it
is usually followed by 3 major appliances dying and a
major home repair.

I truly am making that 5 year plan to pay off the house
and dump the credit cards before I retire.  Beefing
up the retirement savings a notch is also in the works.

If you are looking for a little game plan of your own then
find the book 'Enough' and see if it can give you track to
run on to live simply and find joy in your life.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

All Hallow's Eve

As the month comes to a close I will
attempt to get in one last entry for the

Seeing grandson in his 'all black'
Batman costume with the long black
cape was such a highlight tonite.
Not sure at 3 yrs old what to do since
our house was his first stop -he throws
his plastic empty pumpkin on the couch,
takes off his mask and asks granpa where
the ice cream sandwiches are (they love to
share ice cream treats together). I proceed
to show him the array of bowls and candy
I have near the front door. He grabs his
pumpkin and loads up!

I see the next years coming and going quite
quickly and grandson will surely know how
to entertain himself on Halloween.

Myself -I treated myself to The Rocky Horror
Picture Show last night. Well over 20 years
since I went on a regular basis on Sat nite
at midnight. Had all my stuff -toast, toilet
paper, deck of cards, flashlights, newspaper.
Now the movie prompts the audience when to
throw their stuff. Just had to know back in the
old days. It was great fun!

So wishing everyone a scary, fun Halloween.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's My Job

I recently heard about a conversation a
man had with some friends. He was asked
how he & his wife handled their finances.
He explained they worked and had separate
bank accounts. He explained he handled the
household bills-his & hers. When asked why
he did this he replied, 'Because it's my job to
take care of my wife.'
Sometimes people just know what their job is
and they accept it and work at it.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

"And When I Die' Part II

One of my earliest posts is 'And when I die'
referring to the Blood, Sweat & Tears song of
the late '60's.
Now that my son is involved with the death of
his paternal grandmother I can not express how
meaningful this song continues to be.

I can only wish that I am not leaving many
unanswered questions for my son. We have
pretty much tackeled the world together
while he pursued and continues to pursue
his work in the music industry.

It is difficult to be estranged from family
members while piecing together the past
and placing everyone in their little place
in your history.

In my mind some stories don't get told
because they are not relevant. Then there
are the unanswered questions that will
plague generations to come. I find that
tragic and a sad legacy of 'what if's' that
a parent leaves for those that are living.

My walk with my parents had it's turbulent
times. We forgave and moved on at the end
and enjoyed our final days together. Eldercare
is very difficult when you are 1200 miles apart.
Any mystery questions are no longer relevant
and I am at peace. I wish the same for my son.
He may get it with me but maybe not with his
father's family.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

'All My Exes Are From Texas'

That is not the truth at all but I was
digging up all that geneology fact &
fiction for my son from my ex-husband's
family today. I guess I am the keeper
of most of the pieces of the past.

My ex-mother-in-law died this morning
and my son has lost touch with most of
his Grandmother's family so they tracked
me down to relay the news.

I found an interesting quote today that
may be true sometimes when most of
us write. "If you can't annoy somebody
there's little point in writing." -British Comic
Novelist Kingsley Amis. Yeah when you
write about the ex family you are bound
to piss somebody off.

The title of this blog entry came to me
because my son's Dad's family seems to
be all over the USA and may possibly have
some relatives in Texas -who knows?

I am really out of the loop here since the
last time I saw these people was at my
ex-husband's funeral 13 years ago. I
think my son had them all on high alert.
They mess with his Mom -they mess with
him. Oh yeah we didn't have much of a
heartwarming relationship.

Now the immediate family saga somewhat
ends for me. For my son maybe new doors
will open. He should get to know his adult
cousins. They were children when I went
through my drama with this family. They
should all start new beginnings where they
can create good relationships as friends.

I grew up with an extended Italian family
on my Dad's side where we were 1st, 2nd
& 3rd cousins deep. We knew each other's
birthdays and celebrated holidays & Holy
Days together (You would not want us in
church by you on Christmas or Easter!)
On Mom's side it was the German, English
& Dutch -those regular meat & potatoes
kind of dinners and we all followed that
side to the sun & sand of Ft Lauderdale &
Miami living in the late '50's. My Mom & Dad
followed in '72 when I was a new Mom.
Thus I got to be part of the ex-family drama
for lots of years. As young parents you want
your child to be part of their grandparents
lives. Then sometimes you get to a point
where the relationship is strained & you
back off.

I think there is a sorrow you share with those
who grieve. I don't think my son grieves as
much for himself as he does for his relatives
and cousins who were closer to his Grandmother
than he was. He is very compassionate and I
know he will attend the services.

If I learned anything from my ex-mother-in-law
I guess I learned to survive in spite of the men
in my life. She was married 3 times and divorced
all of them. I met them all and I liked them all.
I'm still not sure why these men loved her so
much and she fell out of love with each of them.

I met her 40 years ago and she told me she was
dying because she had diabetes. She sure as hell
fought the good fight with the disease.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Your Straight Edge vs. Mine

Last night I attended a movie screening of 'Edge'.
This is a new documentary about the 'straight edge'
movement that evolved from the punk music scene
in the late '70's and early '80's.

I wasn't well versed on the ideals of a vegan, drug
free, alcohol free , etc movement of this era because
I was to emersed in being a working Mom and trying
to understand who I was married to and why he
wasn't co-operating in the marriage. (Took many
years, separation & divorce to find out he was
bi-polar and self medicating in all the wrong ways)

Throughout this movie I kept thinking that in the
'70's and '80's I was using a 'straight edge' everyday.
I was a drafter for a public utility company and
drew maps of city streets and suburban neighborhoods.
I used various straight edges &  templates to layout
the utility lines to homes and businesses. This was
all done on paper or mylar and created work documents
or permanent mapping layouts. No computers -all done
by hand. That was my 'straight edge'.

Now, beyond that I came from the radical '60's where I
guess my generation started the 'drug culture'. For the
most part I survived without much drug choice besides
beer or wine. I did have that 'self medicating' person
around and might have gone too far every so often as
a 'drinking buddy'. So my generation had to be stopped
in some respects and maybe some of the 'straight edge'
movement addressed that earlier 'freedom' mentality.

I enjoyed the screening and learned a little but knew I
was where I was meant to be and I wasn't joining their
cause. I've already fought the hard fight and cleaned
up the best I could.

When I got home I grabbed my new bottle of Bully Hill
semi-sweet wine I had left in the trunk of my car from
an earlier purchase in the day and proceeded inside
my house.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wondering Where the Romance Went

There are days after days when I ask 'Where did the
romance go?' I feel it in my heart. I seek it in my mind.
I recall the memories of romantic times. Is it too much
to ask of men today? Women like myself seem to think
we must just demand too much.

I know it's possible because I lived with the knowledge
that there was a man who knew my heart. He didn't care
what other people thought. If he wanted to show love or
tenderness he just did it.

Thinking a written piece of paper with witness signatures
will turn vows into actual promises to remain loving and
gentle does not always work. It's just too much effort!

Then again there are promises made when saying good bye
that come from the heart. Only the two exchanging the
words are witness to what their hearts believe. Lifelong
vows to care about the other person are not spoken to
a crowd. There are no extravagant celebrations or festivities.  
All that remains are the times devoted to keeping in touch
and knowing that the bond is always there.

As the famous country song laments, 'Looking for love in
all the wrong places' even plays out in many marriages.
Isn't that where you expect to find romance? Not always.

So I applaud those who try to work at the romance in their
lives. It keeps your days from being drudgery. It shows your
children that happiness is attainable. It keeps the travel
industry working hard for you! You help the rest of us
remember and always believing in romance as we once
knew it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Are We Committed to Change?

Are we committed to change?
Whether it be for health issues
or relationships or careers?
Are we willing to explore what
the possibilities will be if we
move out of our comfort zone?

Since I have announced my
committment to retire from the
corporate world in 5 years I have
set the wheels in motion to change.
I need to use each day wisely to
move toward this goal.

I have decided to work toward the
'work' of being retired from my
current work and it's challenges
to a series of tasks I can not devote
my time and energy to now.

Will  my ideas of volunteer work and
part time endeavors change in 5 years?
Maybe they will. As quickly as our
society changes and new technology
updates our daily tasks so too may
my choices change in the next 5 years.

All I know is that I want to keep learning
and be mindful of the digital world around
me so I can work within the framework of
my community to make lasting contributions.

Exercise is Medicine

When we think of healthcare do we equate the term
with exercise and good nutrition?  Or do we think
of how will I pay for all my meds?

Here is a great website where I think health starts.
Let's think preventative care rather than healthcare.
Get out there and walk everyday. Let children play
outside. Say no to fast food diets.

I think 'Exercise is Medicine' says it all.
What a great resourse and we need to visit often!

Indie Band Survival Tactics

I recently read 'The Indie Band Survival Guide'
Great read for up & coming musicians.
This book explains the old way the music industry
conducted business. Then they slap you with the
truth and the methodology to make music your
career work in today's digital age.

The way to follow your passion whether it be artistic
or corporate style is to use the tools of those who
came before you.

Not convinced that these authors know what they
are talking about? They have lived the life.

Their website
provides constant updates and info on music
careers. You can do it yourself and don't have
to dream about that big 'record deal' anymore.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Food, Inc

Anyone who has 1905's Upton Sinclair book, 'The Jungle'
or Rachel Carson's 1962 classic, 'Silent Spring' imbetted
in their memory will relate to this independent movie
being shown around the country.

Knowing that US farming for the most part has become
a manufacturing industry needs to be viewed by the
masses. The reason our country is so unhealthy relates
directly to what we don't know about major food production
in our country.

Living in Upstate New York does not always seem a blessing
because all anyone thinks about is all the snow we receive.
We do have about 8 more months in the year when we don't
have snow. We also have many local farmers and organic
farmers in the region. We have many farmer's markets.
Some seasonally from June to October and others year

Food, Inc portrayed the three meat producing industries
that I have stayed away from since 1993 -beef, pork &
chicken. Worse now than I thought back then when I moved
to a mainly vegetarian lifestyle. I still think I need to address
some of my dairy issues because most cows are not grass fed.
This month even O magazine addresses genetic modification
of food in the US and the bans on such artificial processing
of food in Europe. Grit magazine this month devotes an article
on beef that is grass fed.

Another issue in Food, Inc is genetic modification of corn and
soybean seeds by Monsanto ( a chemical company not a farming
company!). This summer I took 'corn' unless locally grown off
my shopping list also -that was because of pesticides -now I have
other resons.

More info relating to the issues found in Food, Inc can be found
on the Take Part blog -

Take time to know what you purchase and why some food is so cheap.
Spend a few dollars more and stay healthier. Can you say no to 'High
Fructose Corn Syrup'? It's in all your favorites and it's banned in Europe
food production.

Ladies-Shop at Dots!

This weekend I printed out my online coupon
and headed to my local Dots store.
Ladies if this urban gem is in your area you
are doing yourself a disservice by not shopping
there. They have the trendiest styles at a fraction
of department store prices. There is constant
changes in stock and clearance racks galore.
The best thing  about the store is the
wonderful staff -always with a smile and
willingness to assist you. In retail this is rare
in today's economy.
The staff is constantly updating the fashion display
looks and pairing all the great items in the store.
The fashion sense may come from corporate
but they walk off the pages of most fashion
Even on the days I spend less than $20 I feel
like I've taken myself on a shopping extravaganza.
Dots I salute you and your fine retail staff!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Have We Lost A Generation?

In last week's issue of Business Week magazine
I was captivated by the article, 'Lost Generation'.

During difficult economic times we are releasing college
graduates to a society with less job prospects than the
generation before them. These young people are
straddled with student loan debt and no means to
pay it off plus take care of themselves.

Then we compound that with only temporary jobs and
no health care and these young men and women now
fall into the healthcare issue in this country.

How do we keep our nation on the top of world countries
when we can't let our young and brightest realize their
dreams and passions?

Are schools assisting students who should join the service sector?
Great jobs in auto mechanics, cosmetology,nursing etc. are
vital to a functioning economy. These careers can jumpstart
a terrific working life if presented in the proper light. Maybe
those who went to college and have no possibility of finding
a job would have ventured into the service sector with better
results and less debt.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Shared Memories Erase Missed Moments

Check with other women and you will be
amazed how many never had those special
moments -a prom -a wedding dance-a
honeymoon -a romantic vacation. Life just
moves on with the day to day routines.

In your heart you know how nice those moments
would have been but you have children now and
a busy job-maybe some volunteer work and life
seems to take it's course.

One day during a seemingly normal activity you
notice someone takes a little extra time out of
their day for you. You didn't ask for his help and
there he stands next to you offering to assist you.

I cherish those simple moments when a man came
into my life to offer a subsitute prom, a wedding dance,
a romantic dinner, a vacation of shared times that he
never knew I was denied in earlier years. He just knew
how to follow his heart and how to show kindness.
I learned to share those lessons with my son so he
could be the tender hearted and strong willed man
that he is.

So, ladies if some of life's moments passed you by and
it appears you only discover them in a novel here or
there -you can make a difference. Teach your sons,
your nephews, your children's friends the kindness
and gentleness that girls and women deserve. Maybe
we can make this world a little better.

There isn't a day that passes that I don't feel joy from
those past memories where someone cared about me.
I learned to care more deeply during those times also.
Oh -maybe I helped make a special moment a lingering
memory for someone else!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Breast Cancer Month

Many women in my life have survived
Breast Cancer. Many women who are
no longer alive that were survivors in
my family died from other causes.
Today I share my daily gym workouts
with my gym partner of the last 6 years
who has now completed her first year
as a survivor. She is a constant inspiration.
She has lost all the weight that chemo &
drug therapy packs on. She has found a
healthier choice of eating and living.
She inspires all those around her.
Keep in mind that as women we must
approach our health issues with yearly
screenings and testings to detect diseases
such as Breast Cancer in it's early stages.

Men & Women-Friends and Conversation

As time races by I tend to realize that many
friendships between men and women thrive
on conversations of day to day accomplishments.

Many mundane daily tasks and family activities
are the basic building blocks of our lives. By sharing
these little things we do with each other we tend to
understand how alike we all are.

I constantly read or hear in the media that men &
women can not be friends. I find that totally false.
I have been friends with men my entire adult life.
Some friendships have endured longer than others.
Several just became victims of life style changes or
moves or sometimes relationships got in the way.

Even though I have been married twice I still have
been friends with men who enjoy a lengthy phone
conversation from time to time. I feel it is good for
the soul and nurishes the heart to share female
thoughts with the male species. I think men like to
chat with someone other than their spouse or
girlfriend to keep a fresh outlook.

As women we dish with each other about the office,
politics and relationships, etc., etc. but those male
friends can make us laugh and see ourselves in a
different light. It can keep us out of costly therapy too!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

401K plans 2009

I realize we haven't made our losses back yet.
We may never do so. I took the conservative
approach back in mid 2008 when we crashed.
Most in savings. Small amounts in bonds,
international and various stock mutual funds.
Am now 1/2 way back to recovered!
Hope you are too.

Breast Cancer walk Oct 4th

This Sunday Oct 4th our local Cancer Society
is holding their 3 mile walk to fundraise for
Breast Cancer research. Am so proud to have
reached 84% of my pledge goal so far.
I'll get it done by Sunday

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Trying to Live Simply

One of the blogs on my reading list just makes
me always try to pare down the excess and live
with less. Adele has a way of turning the practical
into a daily journey. She explains that she doesn't
always meet a particular goal but continues to move
forward toward simplicity.
I marvel at the little thing she accomplishes and
those things are major if we all joined in.
This past spring my dryer quit so I decided to
pull out the drying rack and I hung my laundry
outside all summer. As fall moves in I use the clothes
lines in my basement left from the original owners
of my house (built in 1930). It takes a few minutes
to hang the clothes but they are dry overnight -and
my energy bill is way down.
Check out Adele you may be able to change part of
your lifestyle too.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Touring Bands -There's Always Drama

I can't believe the perpetual drama
that is second nature in a touring
rock band.
There is a nonstop babysitting program
with new members or road crew when-
ever a band hits the road.
If there isn't an alcohol or drug issue
there must be some kind of dialog
with a clubowner, fan or other band.
On the way to being a professional
musician what does it take for every-
one to act grown up and not sabotage
the band trying to make music a career?

Wishing You Someone in Your 'Amen' Corner

There are a few people in my 'Amen' corner.
Some have been there longer than others.
In turn I am in their 'Amen' corner.
Maybe you aren't familiar with that term.
It only means that they are there to say,
"Well Done' when you complete a dauting
task or finally achieve something whether
it be big or small.
Then you have those people who can't wait
to tell you that your newest idea or venture
is plain old stupid. If it fails they are the
first to say they were right rather than let
you know it took courage to attempt something
new. When your venture is successful they
don't even acknowledge it.
Cherish those folks in your 'Amen Corner'
and they will keep you positive on a day to
day basis.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Mixtape #1

Recently I picked up a book at the Dollar Tree
called, 'Love is a Mixtape' by Rolling Stone
contributing editor, Rob Sheffield. It chronicals
his love story with his wild and carefree wife
by creating cassette mixtapes as their love
grows. Each chapter reflects a time when a
certain bunch a songs were lumped together
on a cassette tape for his/their listening
pleasure. The book was a great read!

I am using the same theory to occasionally
add my mixtapes to this blog -as I would
want them played.

This mixtape can be created online at many
free listening sites like Reverbnation,
or the individual artist's myspace -if not then
lyrics can probably be found at

This sort of reveals where I am at this point in my
life and reflects some of the places I may reside
emotionally but always hopeful for a better day!



Collective Soul-- How Do You Love?
Collective Soul --All That I Know
Collective Soul --December

Brand New Sin-- Days Are Numbered
Brand New Sin --Enjoy the Ride
Brand New Sin-- My Loved Ones
Brand New Sin-- Fly
Brand New Sin-- Hideous
Brand New Sin-- Once in a Lifetime

Tom Waits-- Heart of Saturday Night
Tom Waits-- Low Down

James Morrison-- You Give Me Something
James Morrison-- One Night Only
James Morrison-- It's A Wonderful World
James Morrison --This Boy
James Morrison-- Call the Police
James Morrison-- One Last Chance

Loudon Wainwright III-- Say That You Love Me
Loudon Wainwright III-- Unrequited

Bruce Cockburn-- Different When It Comes to You

Pink --So What

Kristin Hoffmann --3 am

Zakk Wylde-- Throwing it all away
Zakk Wylde --Way Beyond Empty

Rob Thomas-- Real World
Rob Thomas-- Mockingbird
Rob Thomas-- Someday

Bruce Springsteen --Trapped (live version)

Tantric-- Hero

Lynyrd Skynyrd-- Still Unbroken