Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pirate Radio -the movie

Caught the movie 'Pirate Radio' today.

As a teen ager in the '60's I was all about
the club scene, the great rock & roll to dance
to and of course the British Invasion. I loved
it all -the Beatles, the Kinks, The Rolling Stones,
Animals, The Who, Gerry & The Pacemakers,
The Hollies, The Searchers, Them but also the
American girl groups, Martha & the Vandellas,
The Ronettes, The Chiffons, The Supremes.
Can't forget the gal singers -Brit & American -
Lesley Gore, Dusty Springfield, Petula Clark,
Marianne Faithful, Lulu, Aretha Franklin,etc.

All the while it was totally unknow to me that
British radio would not allow rock & roll to be
played for more than 1 hour per day -thus
Pirate Radio. Fabulous insight to a cast of
characters who chose at all odds to bring
rock music & all it's evils to over 28 million
British citizens. A terrific true story to get
you up and dancing. I must have the sound
track! Think I was the only one in the audience
singing every song!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Are in our Thoughts

Today we should all take a moment
to give thanks for those men & women
who serve our country in the armed
forces. Also time to remember those
among us who have served in past
wars and conflicts on behalf of the
USA. Freedom does not come easy and
there is always a high price to pay to
preserve those freedoms we take for
granted. Please be ever mindful each
day for the priviledge that has been
fought for us to live under the stars
& stripes flag.

Does the World Revolve around YOU?

Lately I have heard tales about so many
people who can't have every single thing
they desire. Sometimes people just don't
cater to their every whim. Other times
they feel restricted on purchases they
wish to make. Then again they can't
book the exact travel plans they want
at the last minute. You can already guess
how unfairly they are treated at their work
location. No respect from bosses & co-workers.
The list about these individuals is endless.
Don't you just want to ask them, 'Does the world
revolve around you?' They would probably answer

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Vodka Part II

A few weeks ago at a club I asked a
very pretty young barmaid to fix me
a Grey Goose vodka gimlet.
She blankly stared at me like a deer
in a car's headlights.
What could be the easiest drink to mix
in the world? Too old school?
The head bartender had to come over
to make my drink.
Sometimes the easiest request can be
totally off the wall to someone else.
My new motto: 'Be careful what you
ask for'

Sometimes Love Is

Sometimes love is a gentle kiss
Sometimes love is a fond memory
Sometimes love is walking hand in hand
Sometime love is a child's laughter
Sometimes love is a friendly note
Sometimes love is a shared moment
Sometimes love is far away
Sometimes love is close
Sometimes love is for the young
Sometimes love is for the old
Sometimes love is what we make it
Sometimes love is always there

Friday, November 6, 2009

A 5 Year Plan at Any age

Recently I mentioned a 5 yr plan towards
retiring from the corporate world. Just the
idea of doing as I please without punching
the old timeclock is so empowering.

New discoveries plus time to travel when
there are bargains -especially when the
cruise ships need to fill the remaining cabins!

I can volunteer again -on my schedule.

Anyone can make a 5 yr plan to change their
current way of life. Map out your goals. Find
ways to lower your debt in 5 years so you are
free to pursue your ultimate goal.

I find that many books I am reading are showing
me the paths others followed in retirement. I am
more inclined toward the writers and education
volunteers than any other work out there.

So start now and plan for yourself. It will make
a world of difference on how you see yourself
in the world. You can make a difference.

Vodka? Who knew?

Earlier this week Kirstie Alley was on the Oprah
show devulging her cleaning tips. Yeah -clean the
sinks with cheap vodka! Who knew. It's sterile,
doesn't smell and everything shines!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Favorite Songs

Recently I noticed many of my favorite songs
are the 5th selection on many of the cds I own.
I usually don't care for the 1st song and usually
know around song 3 that I like an upcoming

Check out your favorite cds and see which number
in the songlist is your favorite. Same on several
different cds and different artists?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We The People......

I always wake up the day after a 'local'
Election Day to check out the winning
candidates. The disappointment comes
when I see the low number of voters.
'We the people....' stands for something
in the foundation of our country. Why
more do not see the priviledge to vote
as a hard won fight for many is beyond

Each vote means something. Our freedom
as a nation meant our voices could be heard.

Here's hoping the local politicians heard the
small voices and will work to enact little
changes for the cities and counties across
our country.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Just before the holiday shopping experience gets
out of hand I am halfway through the book 'Enough'
by Adam Hamilton. This is a little church project
my Pastor started 3 weeks ago by purchasing just
enough copies of the book for everyone to take home.
Now she uses a different topic from the book each
week as her sermon.

This little paperback is hitting me right in the checking
and savings account! It is on target with my 5 year plan.

I've been in and out of debt through 2 marriages and
with and without children. It seems to come in waves.
My debt repayment plans work until everything happens
at once. If the car breakes down that's ok. With me it
is usually followed by 3 major appliances dying and a
major home repair.

I truly am making that 5 year plan to pay off the house
and dump the credit cards before I retire.  Beefing
up the retirement savings a notch is also in the works.

If you are looking for a little game plan of your own then
find the book 'Enough' and see if it can give you track to
run on to live simply and find joy in your life.