Sunday, November 1, 2009


Just before the holiday shopping experience gets
out of hand I am halfway through the book 'Enough'
by Adam Hamilton. This is a little church project
my Pastor started 3 weeks ago by purchasing just
enough copies of the book for everyone to take home.
Now she uses a different topic from the book each
week as her sermon.

This little paperback is hitting me right in the checking
and savings account! It is on target with my 5 year plan.

I've been in and out of debt through 2 marriages and
with and without children. It seems to come in waves.
My debt repayment plans work until everything happens
at once. If the car breakes down that's ok. With me it
is usually followed by 3 major appliances dying and a
major home repair.

I truly am making that 5 year plan to pay off the house
and dump the credit cards before I retire.  Beefing
up the retirement savings a notch is also in the works.

If you are looking for a little game plan of your own then
find the book 'Enough' and see if it can give you track to
run on to live simply and find joy in your life.

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