Check with other women and you will be
amazed how many never had those special
moments -a prom -a wedding dance-a
honeymoon -a romantic vacation. Life just
moves on with the day to day routines.
In your heart you know how nice those moments
would have been but you have children now and
a busy job-maybe some volunteer work and life
seems to take it's course.
One day during a seemingly normal activity you
notice someone takes a little extra time out of
their day for you. You didn't ask for his help and
there he stands next to you offering to assist you.
I cherish those simple moments when a man came
into my life to offer a subsitute prom, a wedding dance,
a romantic dinner, a vacation of shared times that he
never knew I was denied in earlier years. He just knew
how to follow his heart and how to show kindness.
I learned to share those lessons with my son so he
could be the tender hearted and strong willed man
that he is.
So, ladies if some of life's moments passed you by and
it appears you only discover them in a novel here or
there -you can make a difference. Teach your sons,
your nephews, your children's friends the kindness
and gentleness that girls and women deserve. Maybe
we can make this world a little better.
There isn't a day that passes that I don't feel joy from
those past memories where someone cared about me.
I learned to care more deeply during those times also.
Oh -maybe I helped make a special moment a lingering
memory for someone else!
Monday, September 21st, 2009
15 years ago
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