Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Birthday Wishes

There is someone having a special birthday.
I am wishing that dear friend fond 'Birthday Wishes'

Did we long ago think we would ever be this old?

I don't celebrate all the years either but am glad we
reached them and still share our ups & downs with each other.

Remembering a budding friendship where I was so lost and my
heart was so closed to the possibilities of caring for anyone except
my child you made me see who I was -to you and others around me.
Maybe I did the same for you and didn't even realize it.

You made decisions for both of us that endur to this day.
You kept our friendship alive when I almost closed the door.

From that time I no longer have any cards, letters for fear they would
fall into the wrong hands.
I realize now that the brain stores the best of our pictures as memories.
I can review those memories daily if I choose to do so.

Your strength and courage to face each day's challenges head on has
mentored me in my daily endeavors. Today after reading a letter this
summer from my Pastor she made me understand that courageous
people are those who wake up to a new day and accept what they need
to do that day.

I have no regrets about any decisions we made together except maybe
being smart enough to walk away from a 'bad' situation. You never made
that decison for me -to stay or leave was always on me.

When times are tough or seemingly unbearable I have wonderful memories
of shared conversations both past and present to carry me over the rough
spells. Today you always remind me of the grandson who is the light of my

I now find that once broken-now mended hearts can bring peace to others
and help raise wonderful children.

So to use this Beatles song the only chance I get is now!

'Will you still need me -will you still feed me when I'm 64?'

Of course, dear friend I'll still need you when you're 64

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