If you have a hero it may not be anyone else's hero
Your hero may be a parent, another relative, a teacher,
a mentor, a friend, a co-worker, an activist, etc.
No matter who you consider a hero you will agree why
heroes are the same to everyone
A hero inspires us to be better than we are
A hero makes us believe in the impossible
A hero teaches us to be courageous when we think we can't
A hero keeps us believing that we can be a hero to someone
If we only believe we can do a few things to claim hero
status -it may only be to a small person who looks at
us in love
I'm sure I have heroes who don't claim such status but their
life has proven to be hero status in my eyes
Some heroes to me are older and some are younger
Some of my heroes know who they are and discount the title
Some of my heroes may never know I claim them as such
Those heroes are the ones who others also claim as their hero
Remember when just holding hands was enough
Remember when being held closely was enough
Remember when laughing at each other was enough
Remember when an evening out nowhere special was enough
Remember when not have money but having each other was enough
Remember when late night phone conversations was enough
Remember when an unexpected letter or card was enough
Remember when just being special to someone else was enough
Today it's still enough in some people's eyes
More the rock music fan than the
country fan I am endeared to Trace
Adkins and this song in particular.
'You're Gonna Miss This' and the
chorus: You're gonna miss this,
you're gonna want this back
you're gonna wish these days
hadn't gone by so fast
are so intertwined with many points
of our daily lives.
If we look back to when our children
were babies or each year as they grew
If we look at our community at large
and remind ourselves of the attempt
we made as volunteers to make it better
If we spent time with family & friends
who are no longer here or near to us
If we attempt to bring laughter to those
who are struggling
These and countless others are times
we miss as we travel through our
life's journey.
After just spending nearly a month in
daily conversation with a distant friend
we both commented, 'I'm gonna miss this.'