Another year rolls by and my son
has aged another year.
I think we look at the years gone
by as lessons learned and friends
We tend to cherish and renew old
freindships and relationships as the
years roll on.
Other relationships have shifted and
been lost through death and distance.
I am glad for each year that passes to
see the challenges my son faces and
solves as a husband, father,musician
and son. He has more patience than
I ever had but I remember being young
and taking it in stride when he was
growing up. My granson -that's a new
and daring episode in our lives. He has
his own computer at almost 4 years old.
At 4 years old neither my son or myself
knew a computer could be in your home.
Times change so rapidly now we can only
hope that each new birthday doesn't stop
us from being up close and personal with
those we love.
Today I wish the best for my son and all he
plans and sets goals to achieve. I know he
is working toward helping others achieve
also. Caring for the dreams of others and
watching their efforts is something I hope
I taught him to always seek.
Caught the Oscar nominated flick
at the local neighborhood 'cheap
cinema' today.
Now I have a hard thought process
to choose between Clooney & Bridges.
Both supurb performances. Different
types of movies -but both comedic.
Clooney's movie just really touches the
strangeness in our economy and doesn't
leave us with any thought on things changing.
There is a unique touch that Jason Reitman
uses in this film to let the audience view the
feelings of actual people who have been laid
off. Only several of the 'fired' workers are
actors. The emotions are raw and real. This
movie should be the wake up call to our do
nothing Congress to get America back to work.
Maybe we should fire half of the politicians and
leave them without retirement or healthcare and
see how fast the tables turn.
My new favorite song is 'According to You'
by Orianthi. At such a young age (25) to be
able to write a song that really tells boys &
men that women and young girls will make
some choice that some guys won't like.
I don't know who gave some men the notion
that women are not their intellectual equals.
I don't know who gave some men the right to
belittle women and wonder why they leave.
According to me the choice between men who
respect and care for you is an easy choice.
Maybe those who listen to this song will agree.
As a little side note: Orianthi will be direct support
for John Mayer this spring in Australia. Mr. Relationship
Bad Boy and the wild guitarist girl with the angst in
her heart for the bad boys. This should be a good tour!
There are plenty of days I just can't
keep up with the texting lingo (I do
not text!) because I work in an area
that searches for correct english &
spelling. I receive very little of each.
Sometimes I feel like I am translating
a foreign language to find the correct
spelling or content in an email.
I recently stumbled onto the term MFEO.
As we approach Valentine's Day it is only
fitting to reflect on MFEO. Whether past
or present there is that term MFEO that
lingers in our mind.
Some people are lucky enough to still
share feelings or even a daily life with
that person. In youth what we glamourized
in that MFEO connotation has soured and
left us with our reality.
Others, like myself found out too late that
the person who fit the bill MFEO came along
after we 'settled for' Mr Right Now. We thought
we could change him or her. We would stick
it out through the long haul. It would eventually
work out.
I still know who that MFEO is in my life. We have
distance between us but occasionally are in contact.
The time we share is as new as the first time we met.
We are only 'fun' to each other. Our humor and banter
only thrill us. We have lives filled with obligations and
family. Sometimes MFEO doesn't mean you get to
'be together'.
Finally the Oscar nominated movie,
'Crazy Heart' has come to a theater
near me.
I saw this masterpiece slice of Americana
yesterday. Jeff Bridges is marvelous and
seems to morph the character of Bad Blake
so well it doesn't appear to be acting.
I see a lot of the musician struggles in this
character that are previlant in all genres
of music. The 'aging' musician pushed aside
by the younger up and coming next best
I also could relate to how alcohol can blur
anyone's sense of reality. I wonder many
years later how I left my son in his father's
care when I should have done otherwise.
I think my son explained that it was ok
because there were always other people
around so that his father didn't put him in
harm's way. I truly believe in miracles and
angels -I think it's how my son survived his
father's addictions and mental illness.
It's been a week since I was in a car
accident. Typical story -cold winter
morning -coming home from church.
At the intersection less than 150 feet
from my house I was hit broadside
on the passenger side of my car by a
teenager running a stop sign.
My car is a classic car which I was trying
to restore to excellent condition from
very good condition. It's 20 years old
has less than 60,000 original miles.
This is the 1st winter it has seen in 17 yrs.
I have only owned this car for 10 months.
I have 2 more years of payments. I saw
the insurance adjuster 2 days ago. He was
sadder than me at such a loss. He had to
total the car but told me if a newer car was
hit with such force it also would be a total
loss and the driver would be seriously injured.
I walked away with some soreness and bruising.
After repeatedly seeing the crash in my head
every time I drive or when I settle down to
sleep I realized that the driver causing the
crash showed no remorse. He never asked if
I was hurt. He didn't even say he was sorry.
He is living home, driving his Mom's car and
going to college. He has no idea how this impacts
someone who is 40 years older, living with a
disabled spouse (who has not worked in over 9 years)
and planning to retire.
I am afraid of where the young generation is headed
if they are not compassionate towards others. That
hurts more than any material or financial loss I have