Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cherish Women

When did it become ok to revert back to treating
women badly? Not only do men treat women badly
but women treat other women badly. Whether it be
gossip or just plain vulgar words that flow on the

There is a 'worst dressed list' and every other kind of
'put down' category in the media and even in our daily
lives. I should also mention there is a fair share of
'male bashing' out there.

Long ago I learned that women should be cherished.
When we are cherished we excel -we nurture those
around us-we share a partnership with our soulmate-
we laugh more frequently-we feel fulfilled-we feel the
courage to defend our ideals and protect our domain.
When I felt cherished I knew no boundaries. Now if
being cherished is not part of my daily life -I recall
when I was cherished and I can do great things -small
things-but with purpose.

Women give the gift of life. That is why they are to be
cherished. This wondorous task does not belong to the
male species -because he is to cherish & protect women.
She will stand behind him in partnership and protect the
children. If only it always worked that way.

Always Dance

Last night when I was watching my grandson I was in dinner mode.
It's dinner time -he must be hungry. Surprise!

He sees me come in the door and says, 'Nana-I want to dance! Dance
with me!' I say, 'Do you want dinner?' He says, 'No, let's dance -dance
with me.' I say as he takes my hands, 'Do you want music?' He replies,
'Yes' as we head to the living room to find the right kind of music on
Music Choice. We need a little rock and roll but not metal-although he
is used to his Dad's hard rock to heavy metal drum work.

Several weeks ago I was riding with my son and grandbaby. My son
was implored by grandson, 'Daddy play some music' Turning on the
radio to a preset smooth jazz channel my son comments, 'Is this ok or
do you want rock?' Grandson says, 'I want ROCK!' So rock it was.

Why don't we want to dance and listen to music? Sometimes the toddlers
know more than us.